Monday, September 14, 2009

today is a lucky day (14.9.09)

After I reached school with my cleaner looking uniform,1- I got shocked when we (Aqila,Nadhirah and Thaareny) won a hamper..we won the third place on the banner making competition..I was really2 happy cause my idea is fully on the banner that I, Aqila and Thaareny made it with full of sacrifices and hardwork..eventhough it was in the third place but still worth happy..I picked up the hamper proudly.2- Pn Aida gave me and my banner team some duit raya..3- so happy cause it was the first time I got something brand on that hamper from this stingy school(no hard feelings)..Everything went well today..I saw a cresent moon as if it was smiling at me this morning..Happy I said "SMILE ALWAYS!"

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